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Yellow paper

Yellow paper refers to a technical document or specification that outlines the technical details of a particular project, protocol, or algorithm. The origins of the term date back to the Ethereum project, where the original specification for the Ethereum Virtual Machine and the Solidity smart contract language were first published in a document referred to as the "Yellow Paper." The Yellow Paper acts as a comprehensive guide for developers and other stakeholders to know how a project works and how it will be implemented. It provides a detailed explanation of the technical design, features, and functionality of the project, as well as its mathematical and cryptographic underpinnings. In general, Yellow Paper documents are often published by open-source software projects, academic research teams, and blockchain projects to provide technical details and specifications for their audiences. They play a crucial role in helping developers understand the intricacies of the system and ensure that it is implemented according to specifications, thus fostering innovation and collaboration in various fields.