Price statistics ICP

Price Internet Computer 9,8700 $
24 hours minimum 9,8200 $
Max 24 hours 10,5200 $
Position in the ranking #35
Market capitalization 4 735 479 630,0000 $
Trading volume for 24 hours 180 723 618,0000 $
In circulation 479 349 840,0457 $

How much is Internet Computer (price icp) now?

The current 2025.01.13 08:10 value of Internet Computer (icp) against USD is 9.87.

Where can I buy or trade Internet Computer (icp)?

Use our selection of exchangers or buy on the best crypto exchanges for the best conditions and rates.

How much was Internet Computer worth at the peak of the market?

Internet Computer was worth the maximum :price :date

What was the minimum cost of Internet Computer?

The minimum cost of Internet Computer was :price :date

Internet Computer price today is $9.87 with a daily trading volume of 180723618. We update our Internet Computer price to USD in real time. Internet Computer has changed to -5.01684% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinLiq rating is #35 with a market cap of $4735479630.

What exactly is the Internet Computer (IC)?

The Internet Computer (IC) is a decentralized, globally distributed blockchain network. It aims to provide a limitless environment where developers can build and deploy fully on-chain smart contracts, dApps (decentralized applications), DeFi platforms, and entire websites.

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Unlike traditional cloud services, the IC avoids reliance on centralized providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud.

What is ICP cryptocurrency, and how does it work?

ICP is the native cryptocurrency of the Internet Computer. It serves three central roles:

  • Governance: ICP holders participate in the Network Nervous System (NNS) to vote on proposals that shape the network's future.
  • Network Rewards: Node operators and stakers earn ICP rewards for supporting the network.
  • Transaction Fees: ICP is used to pay the "gas fees" needed to execute transactions and computations on the IC.

What makes the Internet Computer unique?

  • Infinite Scalability: The IC uses a technology called "chain key cryptography" to dynamically add new subnets (effectively, individual blockchains), increasing capacity as needed.
  • Web Speed Performance: Smart contracts on the IC run at web speed, outpacing the performance limitations of many traditional blockchains.
  • Reverse Gas Model: Developers prepay for the resources their dApps will consume, while users generally don't need to pay gas fees.
  • Canister Smart Contracts: These canisters hold both code and data, allowing them to function as complete backend systems.

Who created the Internet Computer?

The DFINITY Foundation, a Swiss non-profit research organization, is the driving force behind the Internet Computer.

Who is Dominic Williams?

Dominic Williams is the founder and Chief Scientist of the DFINITY Foundation. He's a prominent figure in the crypto space and a visionary behind the Internet Computer's creation.

When was the Internet Computer mainnet launch?

The Internet Computer mainnet launched on May 10, 2021. 8. What is a canister smart contract?

What is a canister smart contract?

Canisters are the unique smart contracts on the IC. They are self-sufficient, holding both the code and the data required to run a piece of software. This allows for complete on-chain deployment.

What is the Network Nervous System (NNS)?

The NNS is a decentralized governance system on the IC. ICP holders stake their tokens to create "neurons" which grant them voting power to influence network development.

How does the Internet Computer achieve its scalability?

Chain key cryptography allows the NNS to seamlessly create new subnets. Each subnet adds to the network's capacity allowing it to scale as needed.

What types of applications are well-suited for the Internet Computer?

  • Web3 Social Media: Platforms resistant to censorship and de-platforming.
  • Open Finance (DeFi): Exchanges, lending platforms operating independently of traditional finance.
  • NFTs and Metaverses: Large-scale NFT projects and immersive virtual worlds.
  • On-Chain Enterprise Systems: Decentralized replacements for traditional IT infrastructure.

What are some notable projects built on the Internet Computer?

  • DSCVR: Decentralized social media platform
  • Distrikt: A professional social network
  • ICPSwap: A decentralized exchange (DEX)
  • Plug Wallet: A wallet for managing ICP and interacting with dApps