Price statistics GALA
How much is Gala (price gala) now?
The current 2025.01.09 21:42 value of Gala (gala) against USD is 0.03351384.
Where can I buy or trade Gala (gala)?
Use our selection of exchangers or buy on the best crypto exchanges for the best conditions and rates.
How much was Gala worth at the peak of the market?
Gala was worth the maximum :price :date
What was the minimum cost of Gala?
The minimum cost of Gala was :price :date
Gala price today is $0.03351384 with a daily trading volume of 279725690. We update our Gala price to USD in real time. Gala has changed to -2.04429% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinLiq rating is #89 with a market cap of $1421454584.
FAQs About GALA Cryptocurrency
What is GALA?
GALA is the native cryptocurrency powering Gala Games, a blockchain gaming platform that aims to revolutionize the gaming industry by giving players more control over their in-game assets and experiences. It serves multiple purposes within the Gala Games ecosystem:
Read more- Payment currency: Used to purchase NFTs (non-fungible tokens) representing in-game items, characters, and other assets.
- Reward mechanism: Distributed as rewards to players for participating in games and fulfilling certain objectives.
- Governance token: Enables holders to vote on proposals that shape the future of the Gala Games platform.
- Network fee payment: Used to cover transaction fees within the Gala Games ecosystem.
How Does GALA Work?
GALA is built on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring secure and transparent transactions. It can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges and stored in compatible wallets. Within Gala Games, players can use GALA to:
- Purchase NFTs representing unique in-game items and assets.
- Earn rewards for participation and achievements in games.
- Vote on governance proposals to influence the platform's development.
Where Can I Buy GALA?
GALA is available on several major cryptocurrency exchanges, including:
- Binance
- Coinbase
- KuCoin
- Kraken
- Bittrex
- OKEx
- Huobi
- Uniswap
What Are The Benefits Of Holding GALA?
- Potential for value appreciation as the Gala Games ecosystem expands and gains popularity.
- Access to exclusive in-game content and experiences.
- Voting rights in governance decisions, shaping the future of the platform.
- Earning rewards through gameplay and participation in the Gala Games ecosystem.
What Are The Risks of Investing in GALA?
- Cryptocurrency markets are volatile, and prices can fluctuate significantly.
- The success of Gala Games is not guaranteed, and its adoption may not reach expectations.
- Regulatory changes could impact the cryptocurrency market as a whole.
What are some popular games on Gala Games?
- Town Star: A farming simulation game with NFT-based assets.
- Mirandus: A fantasy RPG in development.
- Spider Tanks: A multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game.
- The Walking Dead: Empires: A survival game based on the popular TV series.
- Echoes of Empire: A sci-fi strategy game.
Is GALA a Good Investment?
(Provide a balanced analysis of potential risks and rewards, emphasizing the importance of personal research and financial advice. Advise against treating this as financial advice.)
How can I earn GALA?
- Purchasing it on cryptocurrency exchanges.
- Running a Founder's Node to support the Gala Games network.
- Playing games on the Gala Games platform and earning rewards through gameplay achievements.
What Is The Future of GALA?
The future of GALA depends on the success of the Gala Games platform. If the platform can attract a large and active user base, GALA could see significant price appreciation. However, the cryptocurrency market is highly unpredictable, and it's impossible to guarantee future outcomes.
What is the maximum supply of GALA?
GALA has a fixed maximum supply of 50 billion units. This means no more GALA will ever be created after reaching this limit, potentially contributing to scarcity and price appreciation if demand remains high.
How is GALA distributed?
The initial distribution of GALA happened through various fundraising rounds and team allocation. Currently, GALA is primarily traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, earned through gameplay on Gala Games, and distributed as rewards for running Founder's Nodes.
What is the difference between GALA and GALA Gold?
GALA Gold is a separate ERC-20 token used within the Gala Games ecosystem. It grants exclusive benefits like access to premium features, higher rewards in certain games, and voting rights in specific governance proposals. GALA, on the other hand, is the main utility token for purchasing NFTs, participating in general network governance, and earning basic rewards.
How can I store GALA securely?
You can store GALA in any Ethereum-compatible wallet, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or Ledger hardware wallets. Choosing a reputable wallet with strong security features is crucial for protecting your funds.
What are the tax implications of buying and selling GALA?
The tax implications of buying and selling GALA depend on your jurisdiction and individual circumstances. It's recommended to consult with a tax advisor for specific guidance to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.