Price statistics EGLD

Price Elrond 33,2200 $
24 hours minimum 32,6300 $
Max 24 hours 33,6700 $
Position in the ranking #85
Market capitalization 904 663 581,0000 $
Trading volume for 24 hours 16 292 470,0000 $
In circulation 27 232 888,0000 $

How much is Elrond (price egld) now?

The current 2024.07.27 02:30 value of Elrond (egld) against USD is 33.22.

Where can I buy or trade Elrond (egld)?

Use our selection of exchangers or buy on the best crypto exchanges for the best conditions and rates.

How much was Elrond worth at the peak of the market?

Elrond was worth the maximum :price :date

What was the minimum cost of Elrond?

The minimum cost of Elrond was :price :date

Elrond price today is $33.22 with a daily trading volume of 16292470. We update our Elrond price to USD in real time. Elrond has changed to 1.79332% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinLiq rating is #85 with a market cap of $904663581.

MultiversX (EGLD): Your FAQ Guide to the Scalable Blockchain Platform

Ever dreamed of a blockchain capable of lightning-fast transactions, rock-solid security, and limitless potential for building the next generation of decentralized applications? Enter MultiversX (formerly Elrond), the innovative platform aiming to revolutionize the digital landscape. But before you dive in, you might have questions. Lots of them. Worry not, brave explorer, for this comprehensive FAQ is your key to unlocking the secrets of MultiversX and its native token, EGLD.

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What is MultiversX?

MultiversX (EGLD) is a high-throughput blockchain platform designed for speed, security, and scalability. It utilizes a unique sharding technology to partition the network into smaller segments, enabling it to process thousands of transactions per second – a far cry from the sluggish pace of some older blockchains. This makes MultiversX ideal for building and deploying decentralized applications (dApps), from DeFi protocols and marketplaces to Web3 experiences and beyond.

What is EGLD and what does it do?

EGLD, the native token of MultiversX, serves as the lifeblood of the ecosystem. It fuels transactions, powers smart contracts, and enables participation in network governance. Holding EGLD also opens doors to staking rewards, providing passive income for those who contribute to the network's security.

How fast is MultiversX?

MultiversX boasts a theoretical capacity of over 100,000 transactions per second (TPS), exceeding the capabilities of most major blockchains. Real-world tests have reached impressive numbers too, showcasing the platform's potential for handling high-volume use cases.

How secure is MultiversX?

MultiversX leverages a secure proof-of-stake (SPoS) consensus mechanism, where validators elected by token holders maintain the network's integrity. This ensures a decentralized and robust system resistant to malicious attacks.

What are the benefits of using EGLD?

The advantages are plentiful:

  • Fast and affordable transactions: Say goodbye to transaction delays and exorbitant fees. MultiversX offers swift and inexpensive payments, perfect for everyday use and large-scale applications.
  • Staking rewards: Earn passive income by locking your EGLD in the network and contributing to its stability.
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi) opportunities: Access a multitude of DeFi products and protocols built on MultiversX, from lending and borrowing to yield farming and asset management.
  • Web3 and NFT potential: MultiversX provides a fertile ground for building immersive Web3 experiences and innovative NFT applications.
  • Strong community and active development: MultiversX boasts a vibrant community of developers, users, and enthusiasts continuously improving and building upon the platform.

What are the risks of investing in EGLD?

Like any cryptocurrency, EGLD carries inherent risks:

  1. Market volatility: The crypto market is notoriously volatile, and EGLD's price can fluctuate significantly.
  2. Technological challenges: Sharding technology is still under development, and unforeseen issues could arise.
  3. Competition: MultiversX faces competition from other scalable blockchain platforms, and its long-term success depends on its continued innovation and adoption.

How can I buy EGLD?

EGLD is readily available on major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and other. Simply create an account, fund it with fiat currency or other cryptos, and start trading!

Where can I learn more about MultiversX?

The official MultiversX website ( is a treasure trove of information, including white papers, blog posts, tutorials, and community resources. The project also maintains a strong presence on social media, readily engaging with its audience and keeping them updated on the latest developments. Is MultiversX the right blockchain for me?

Is MultiversX the right blockchain for me?

Whether you're a seasoned crypto veteran or a curious newcomer, MultiversX offers something for everyone. Its cutting-edge technology, robust ecosystem, and dedicated community make it a compelling choice for those seeking a fast, secure, and versatile blockchain platform.

Remember, thorough research and informed decision-making are crucial before investing in any cryptocurrency. This FAQ is merely a starting point – delve deeper into MultiversX and EGLD, understand the risks and rewards, and then forge your own path in the exciting world of blockchain technology.

1. Sharding Explained:

What exactly is sharding, and how does it make MultiversX so fast?

A: Imagine a busy highway suddenly splitting into multiple lanes, each handling traffic independently. That's essentially what sharding does. MultiversX divides the blockchain into smaller sharded chains, allowing parallel processing of transactions. This dramatically increases transaction throughput, enabling MultiversX to handle thousands per second without breaking a sweat.

2. Security and Consensus:

Q: How secure is MultiversX, and who decides what happens on the network?

A: MultiversX relies on Secure Proof-of-Stake (SPoS), where token holders elect validators to secure the network. These validators stake their EGLD, creating a strong incentive for responsible behavior. Decisions about the platform's future are made through decentralized governance, where EGLD holders vote on proposals.

3. DApps and Beyond: 

A: The possibilities are endless! You can participate in DeFi protocols to earn interest on your EGLD, trade and collect NFTs, explore virtual worlds in the Metaverse, and even play play-to-earn games where you can win NFTs and tokens.

4. Future Vision:

Q: What's next for MultiversX? Will it stay ahead of the competition?

A: The MultiversX team is constantly innovating. They're working on interoperability to connect with other blockchains, enhancing privacy features for more secure transactions, and implementing sustainable development initiatives to make the platform eco-friendly.

5. Joining the MultiversX Revolution:

Q: I'm a developer or entrepreneur. How can I get involved in building on MultiversX?

A: MultiversX welcomes you with open arms! The developer portal offers comprehensive resources, documentation, and SDKs to help you build secure and innovative dApps. They also host regular hackathons and grants to incentivize development and foster a vibrant community.