Price statistics DOT

Price Polkadot 4,0200 $
24 hours minimum 4,0100 $
Max 24 hours 4,2800 $
Position in the ranking #20
Market capitalization 5 692 457 319,0000 $
Trading volume for 24 hours 181 682 125,0000 $
In circulation 1 413 941 054,6384 $

How much is Polkadot (price dot) now?

The current 2024.09.18 14:17 value of Polkadot (dot) against USD is 4.02.

Where can I buy or trade Polkadot (dot)?

Use our selection of exchangers or buy on the best crypto exchanges for the best conditions and rates.

How much was Polkadot worth at the peak of the market?

Polkadot was worth the maximum :price :date

What was the minimum cost of Polkadot?

The minimum cost of Polkadot was :price :date

Polkadot price today is $4.02 with a daily trading volume of 181682125. We update our Polkadot price to USD in real time. Polkadot has changed to -4.12945% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinLiq rating is #20 with a market cap of $5692457319.

What is Polkadot?

Polkadot is a platform that allows you to create and connect different blockchains called parachains. It provides a common infrastructure for security, scalability and interoperability between parachains.

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What is DOT?

DOT is the native token of Polkadot. It is used for:

  • Polkadot Network Management
  • Staking to ensure network security
  • Payment of transaction fees

How does Polkadot work?

Polkadot uses a sharded blockchain architecture, which allows the load to be divided across multiple parachains. This provides higher scalability than traditional blockchains.

What advantages does Polkadot have?

Scalability: Polkadot can process more transactions than other blockchains due to its sharded architecture.

Interoperability: Polkadot allows parachains to communicate with each other, allowing the creation of new applications and features.

Security: Polkadot uses several security mechanisms to protect the network from attacks.

Governance: Polkadot has decentralized governance, which means DOT holders can participate in decisions about the future of the network.

What problems does Polkadot solve?

Polkadot solves several problems that other blockchains face, such as:

  • Scalability: Bitcoin and Ethereum have limited throughput, which can lead to delays and high transaction fees.
  • Interoperability: Blockchains are often isolated from each other, making it difficult to create decentralized applications that run on multiple blockchains.
  • Security: Some blockchains are vulnerable to attacks, such as 51% attacks.

Who is the Polkadot team?

Polkadot was founded by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum. The Polkadot team consists of experienced blockchain developers and researchers.

How to store DOT?

DOT can be stored in a hardware wallet such as Ledger or Trezor, or in a software wallet such as Polkadot Wallet.

What will the future of Polkadot be like?

Polkadot has the potential to become the leading platform for building decentralized applications. The Polkadot team is actively working to expand the functionality of the network and attract new users.

What is parachain?

Parachain is an independent blockchain that is connected to Polkadot. Parachains can have their own tokens, applications and rules.

How do parachains connect to Polkadot?

Parachains connect to Polkadot via the Relay Chain. Relay Chain is the central Polkadot blockchain that provides security, scalability, and interoperability between parachains.

How many parachains can there be in Polkadot?

Polkadot can support a large number of parachains. The exact quantity is not limited.

How to choose a parachain for investing?

When choosing a parachain to invest in, there are several factors to consider, such as:

  1. The project team
  2. Technology
  3. Roadmap
  4. Community

What is a parachain auction?

A parachain auction is a process through which teams can gain access to parachain slots on Polkadot. Teams bid DOT to get a slot.

How does DOT staking work?

DOT staking is the process of maintaining network security by "locking" (locking) a portion of your DOT tokens for a certain period. In exchange for this you receive rewards. There are two main ways:

  • Be a validator: Run special software to validate transactions and maintain the state of the network. Requires certain technical knowledge and resources.
  • Delegate tokens as a nominator: Delegating funds to an already running validator. Less technically complex, but assumes that risks and rewards are shared with the selected validator.

What are the risks of staking DOT?

  • Slashing: If the validator you delegated funds to exhibits malicious behavior, some of your staked DOT may be confiscated.
  • Non-Staking Periods: In order to get DOT back after staking, certain "non-staking" periods must be met. This is a temporary restriction of access to funds.

How does Polkadot provide security?

Polkadot uses a combination of mechanisms for security:

  • General Staking: Validators must stake significant amounts of DOT to be eligible to participate in transaction validation. Incorrect behavior entails loss of staked funds.
  • Random: Validators are chosen randomly, making it difficult for potential attackers to successfully control the network.
  • Fishermen: Special nodes are aimed at identifying suspicious behavior of validators.

What is Substrate?

Substrate is a modular framework for creating blockchains. It provides teams with all the tools they need, significantly reducing development time and complexity. Parachains in the Polkadot ecosystem are often built on top of Substrate.

What is Kusama?

Kusama is Polkadot's "cousin". This is a kind of test network that allows exp developers