Price statistics BTCB

Price Bitcoin BEP2 0,6407 $
24 hours minimum 0,6141 $
Max 24 hours 0,7685 $
Position in the ranking #1886
Market capitalization 10 015 037,0000 $
Trading volume for 24 hours 315 760,0000 $
In circulation 15 631 855,3254 $

How much is Bitcoin BEP2 (price btcb) now?

The current 2025.01.11 09:07 value of Bitcoin BEP2 (btcb) against USD is 0.640681.

Where can I buy or trade Bitcoin BEP2 (btcb)?

Use our selection of exchangers or buy on the best crypto exchanges for the best conditions and rates.

How much was Bitcoin BEP2 worth at the peak of the market?

Bitcoin BEP2 was worth the maximum :price :date

What was the minimum cost of Bitcoin BEP2?

The minimum cost of Bitcoin BEP2 was :price :date

Bitcoin BEP2 price today is $0.640681 with a daily trading volume of 315760. We update our Bitcoin BEP2 price to USD in real time. Bitcoin BEP2 has changed to -6.65794% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinLiq rating is #1886 with a market cap of $10015037.

Bitcoin BEP2 (BTCB) Review

Bitcoin BEP2 (BTCB) is a new cryptocurrency that has been launched recently. It is based on the Bitcoin blockchain and uses the same proof-of-work algorithm. BTCB is intended to be a more user-friendly and scalable version of Bitcoin. The developers have also created a new wallet for BTCB, which is available for Windows, macOS and Linux.

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What is Bitcoin BEP2?

Bitcoin BEP2 is a new cryptocurrency that was created to improve upon the original Bitcoin. BTCB aims to provide faster transaction times, lower fees, and more privacy than Bitcoin. So far, the currency has been well-received by the community.

How Does Bitcoin BEP2 Work?

Bitcoin BEP2 is a new type of cryptocurrency that allows users to transfer funds between two different wallets. BTCB is different from other cryptocurrencies because it uses a unique algorithm that makes it more secure and efficient. BTCB is also faster and cheaper to use than other cryptocurrencies.

What Are the Benefits of Bitcoin BEP2?

Bitcoin BEP2 is a cryptocurrency that offers a number of benefits over other cryptocurrencies. It is faster, more private, and has a lower transaction fee. Bitcoin BEP2 also offers a more secure way to store your coins, as it uses a multi-signature system.

What Are the Risks of Bitcoin BEP2?

Bitcoin BEP2 (BTCB) is a new type of bitcoin that promises to be more secure and efficient than the original. However, there are some risks associated with BTCB that potential investors should be aware of. Firstly, BTCB is not yet widely accepted by exchanges and businesses. This means that it could be difficult to convert BTCB into other currencies or use it to purchase goods and services. Secondly, BTCB is a new currency and as such, it is subject to volatility. The value of BTCB could fluctuate greatly in the future, making it a risky investment. Thirdly, there is no guarantee that BTCB will be successful. The currency could fail to gain traction and be worth nothing in the future. Finally, investors should be aware of the risks of investing in any new currency or technology. There is always the potential for scams and fraud when investing in new and unproven products. Overall, potential investors should weigh the risks and rewards of investing in BTCB before making any decisions. While BTCB offers some advantages over the original bitcoin, there are also some risks that should be considered.


In conclusion, Bitcoin BEP2 (BTCB) is a very promising cryptocurrency project with a lot of potential. The team is very experienced and has a lot of good ideas. The project has a solid roadmap and is well-funded. The community is very active and supportive. The project is definitely worth keeping an eye on.